Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Something I Fear...

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are at this moment in time. I was pondering different thoughts on what I could write about today. I had several ideas that promised to be quite interesting but when I sat down to write, something different decided to be written. I guess I will save my other discussions for a different rainy day (it's raining here). Today, I am going to share with you one of my biggest secrets and darkest fears. I say this with the utmost of seriousness. What I am about to share is deeply personal and has had a negative affect on my life and personal happiness many times. One of the things that frightens me most is success.

Please don't laugh. Please don't think it selfish or childish or so Western of me. It is honest to goodness truth. I'm afraid of achieving my goals even though I am, under most circumstances, more than capable (in some cases beyond what others around me are capable of) of obtaining my goals; occasionally with little to no effort on my part but I'm afraid each time I do. I have, or at least I think I have, some of the strongest self-confidence of most people I know; I am aware of my limitations, my flaws but also my abilities and strengths. I know myself; at least the left brain me. 

I am not afraid of judgement nor of failure. I have had both happen to me more times than I can count. I reserved to myself long ago to never let the judgement of other people affect who I am. I am always grateful for constructive criticism, debate and discussion and those may change me but only through conscious volition. What I mean by judgement is personal attacks, verbal assaults, empty accusations and uninformed opinion. People who critic others because they lack their own happiness. No, those types of judgement do not bother me. Nor failure as you may have guessed given my confession. When you purposely or inadvertently cause yourself to fall short of your goals you tend to encounter failure often.

I've thought often and lengthy about this. I have missed out on some potentially amazing opportunities in life as a result of this fear. My current running theory is that it comes as a result of "bullying" due to my academic successes in school; from Elementary until High School. I remember arriving to a point where I hid my marks from the class and purposely failed or did poorly on tests to deal with it. I was afraid to get good marks because at the time, I was lonely and wanted to fit in more than anything. I guess even writing it out now...well, it's kind of sad. I'm sad. Wow. I know it's not really possible to convey unless this was a video but there has been some significant pauses in the writing of this paragraph...

I haven't shared a lot about it before because I've always felt guilty about having a fear of success. I mean, there is so much fear in the world and much of it, for many people, is all too real a threat to their actual lives. Yet here I was, in the land of milk and honey afraid of reaching out to the shelf to get some for myself. I'm still afraid to touch it but now it's for a different reason: I'm not sure I want it can handle it. I want to know that I am capable of maintaining my integrity; my honesty. I say that I am and I am. So maybe it isn't success I fear, maybe I'm afraid of myself.

When I say success, I don't mean financially or in terms of social status; though they are possibilities that come with success. I am strictly speaking about reaching out and achieving goals, no matter how big or small, successfully. I'm not sure why I'm really all that afraid. I know myself. I am confident in myself. Therefore I am confident that I know myself and that I am capable of achieving success, of any nature and yet even sound in this knowledge, as I acknowledge it in my head, the fear remains. Sometimes when my mind strays I think of the myriad of possibilities that have long since passed, the ones that sit before me and the ones I am sure to encounter in the future and I wonder...I wonder just how much potential I have and how far it could take me...and then I snuff out the fire in the blink of an eye.

But I'm not hopelessly enslaved to the fear. Of the things I mentioned I am, I am also a resilient and strong individual (when the occasion calls for it I am also humble and sentimental). I am reborn through defeat; given new life through failure; draw the essence of my true self from knowing that others think a thing impossible for me to do; the more the doubt, the greater my strength. This is another possibility to my fear. I am not exaggerating the true nature of the inspiration and passion I receive in the manner mentioned and perhaps part of my fear is that I will not find that same thing once I have achieved the impossible...or highly unlikely. I'm afraid to lose my passion; my purpose; my essence of love of life. 

So it's out there now. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you are now privy to a fear that has haunted me since childhood. A painful reminder of every lost chance and every missed opportunity each time I pass up another. I loathe (really do) myself in those moments, however briefly they may last (and they are brief) and I am disgusted with my wasted talent and it is that anger in those moments that I am building my new foundation of attack. I am holding on to that hate towards my weakness and waiting. Waiting until it has built up so strongly and fiercely that it stabs in my mind like a splinter; that it becomes so intense a distraction that I can think of nothing else. I will let it manifest and then I will do as I always do when confronted with any seemingly insurmountable objective: I will be reborn with the greatest strength I have ever known and I will overcome one of my personal life's biggest challenges: fear.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5000 Readers & Counting...

Good morning friends, followers and family! The sun isn't physically shining in the sky, but it is in my world. I hope it is in yours as well. Today's blog entry is going to be a little bit briefer than normal. Last night I posted a longer than normal blog posting that I really enjoyed writing. As many of you who read my blog do so during the daylight hours of where I live, I'm sure that many of you are just discovering it now. I will provide a link to it at the end of this entry in case you missed it. I particularly enjoyed writing the rant.
What I want to share with you today is yet another milestone in respect to my blogging. Sometime today, one of you amazing readers will click on one of my links, somewhere out there in cyberspace, and you will become my 5000th page hit!! That's just absolutely incredible!! I know there are lots of sites out there that are getting in the tens of thousands of hits a day and that 5000 hits isn't that much in the grand scale of things; but it is something remarkable to me.

5000 people, most likely not 5000 different people, have found their way to my blog at least one time. My words, my ideas, my thoughts have been absorbed 5000 times. 5000 times I have influenced someone in some way; regardless of whether they are aware of it or not. I know this because any interaction with anything automatically changes us; influences us in some way; however small it may be; whether we recognize it or not. I've always wanted to share with others and getting up this morning and seeing just how many people I have begun to reach just leaves me in awe. I am truly humbled and grateful.

So today, though the sky is greyed with storm clouds deciding on if they should release their cargo on us or not, the sun is shining in my soul. Knowing that that many times my words have been read makes the effort of creating something new every day all the more worth while. Thank you for bringing a little joy and sunlight to my life.

Love One Another.

Last night's random rant.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Democracy: A Rant By Chance

I was just outside having a cigarette when inspiration struck and now I have to share it. It’s about the world; well I guess it’s more about Canada; even more so about Democracy. In Canada, unlike a fair amount of other places in the world, we live in a democracy. We have the luxury of voting for the government officials who are meant to represent us and work towards our best interests. I know that these days this is no longer the case; well, the illusion of it still exists anyway. The representatives of the people have transformed into some obscene beast we call politicians. Gone are the days when our elected officials were actually representatives. It used to be that the government was an agent of the people; somewhere along the way, we got lost and the roles were reversed. Today, our government tells the people what to do and no longer abides by the desires of the people. Who is to blame? The rich old white man’s club? How about Stephen Harper? Maybe the Conservative party in general? No, let’s blame those who are really at fault and I don’t mean the politicians, the bankers or the CEO’s. No, for a change let’s put the blame where it belongs: on us, the people. 

This is where my inspiration came into play; an epiphany struck me. In the last federal election there was a less than 50% voter turnout. That equates to 10-12 million Canadians, many not much unlike myself, who didn’t bother to vote. Here in Halifax in the last Municipal election that voter turnout percentage was even lower. Why? Apathy. No one cares because no one has reminded anyone that they do hold power. Well, I want to remind you that you do, you do have some power. We still live in a democracy and believe me, like you I am fully aware of how flawed it has become but right now we still have an opportunity to fix it and then improve on it. I’ve been involved with social activism for eight months now and in that time I have seen many governments at all levels pass laws and bills faster than one can blink an eye. Not a single thing has changed with my social activism; at least not my approach. So this is my new one. Use the system to get back what belongs to us all: our Country and our freedom. If you want to see change then you need to take responsibility. Tired of seeing rich old men with personal agendas elected to office? Get off your ass and go vote for someone else. These politicians get elected by narrow victories and sometimes uncontested. How many of that 50% of apathetic voters do you think it would take to overthrow these career politicians? I tell you not much. Look around at the world you live in; look around your town, city, province and country. Do you like what you see? Is this the great country of Canada you were told about? Is this the Maritime pride we claim to all possess? No. It isn’t. Nobody ruined anything; we allowed ruin to happen but we can fix it. 

We can take back control and we can decide. Don’t like anyone running in your riding for whatever level election? Do it yourself. It’s a ton of work, a lot of dedication, plenty of frustration and endless amounts of stress but that’s what it means to truly serve your community, city, province, state or country; because that’s what being a representative of the people is: a service; a duty; a responsibility. It isn’t a job or a career. So I’m taking the time to remind you; to remind you that it isn’t too late. All it requires is that you remember. Remember that you are a person; remember that you have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; remember that others have this same right; remember that you live in a democracy, broken as it may be, and that means you have a voice; remember that your vote can count but it’s going to take more than just one. We can change the government; we can replace them all; we can demand it and we can do it. There are 33 million citizens in Canada, surely among them must be those with impeccable character who can lead the people safely and in good conscience? Women and men who are able to lead but do so because it is necessary and not for celebrity status as is now the case. Find them; encourage them; help them. Come together in your communities and volunteer together. Find your own candidates and participate in democracy. Why? Because right now it is your only option. 

When protest and demonstration; freedom of expression; freedom of association; freedom of speech; personal privacy are all outlawed by our governments at the drop of a hat, it can only get worse. Young and old, female and male, you are the last hope; the only hope. If you crave change then you must act. You can no longer afford to be apathetic as it is quickly leading to your permanent imprisonment. I cannot express to you the urgency and importance of finding that memory of power; that faint, glimmering knowledge that you are not a slave; not a resource; not a number but that you are a human being damnit. Like I said, democracy is broken but not beyond repair. Capitalism is killing the planet and killing us. A new alternative must be found but it will never, ever be found so long as things continue in this direction. We are all going to die and I’m not speaking metaphysically. Any idealism that is based on infinite consumption of a finite resource is destined for extinction. We are most probably the only living beings in the entire Universe (that we are aware of) that are knowingly working towards our own extinction. We’re committing the largest act of suicide ever dreamed of and not only that, but we don’t seem to care enough to do anything about it. 

I understand whatever excuse or rationalization you can come up with for surely over the last 13 years or more I have used them all. No more. What has my inaction given me? Everything I put into it: nothing; in fact I’ve even lost as a result. But make no mistake, I’m as guilty as the next apathetic voter because that is the world that we’ve permitted to be created around us but it doesn’t have to be this way. Look around you. Just look. Is this really the best you think that humanity as a species can do? With all of our knowledge, scientific and spiritual, can you honestly say that this is it? I call shenanigans because that’s what it is. There is so much more to be accomplished yet we don’t because the governments we watch apathetically get elected (if you can even call them elections anymore) don’t represent our views; our desires; our needs; our wants. They represent a very, very, very small minority. You cannot blame corporate greed or the lobbyists who work for them either. Our inaction has led to the environment in which these things are acceptable. Whoever has the most money makes the rules; it’s a simple setup that’s been created. 

Again, it doesn’t have to be this way. Use the system they have warped and polluted against them. Find individuals who would not ordinarily find themselves in a position, nor necessarily inclined to run for representation. Individuals who have an investment in local community and national growth; people who see the long and the short term; those who have little interest in making money and a great interest in creating a sustainable, eco-friendly, equitable place for people to exist in harmony; free from worry; free from strife; free to pursue their own happiness’s in this life. And this life is short, my own perhaps nearing the half way mark in a few short years and I have waited far too long to live. Now that I have learned how to live, I find that the world in which I exist doesn’t want me to be alive, it wants me dead. It wants you dead. So I implore of you; I beg of you; for the sake of tomorrow and the future of tomorrow’s generations, find your voice; find your power; find yourself. 

Democracy can work; it can work to get those who would see us work to our own deaths for the benefit of themselves out of positions of power but you, me and everyone else must find the hope to try; at least one more time. Don’t give up yet. Come together, away from technologies, in halls, parks, churches or gyms, anywhere and talk, discuss, debate. In other countries, thousands of rebels fight and die to overthrow their tyrannical, uncontrolled government. Our one last and fading luxury is that we can still peacefully overthrow our uncontrolled, tyrannical government. Do not make the mistake of thinking things will get better because they have to; they won’t. Get informed; see past what the television, the newspaper and the internet is telling you. Question everything and always seek the truth. Do your best to piece it together for truly, the truth is never found in one story. Reclaim your right; reclaim what it means to be a citizen; reclaim your humanity. It isn’t perfect, but it is enough to get the ball rolling on something new. 

Remember that the role of a representative of the people is to represent the people who have elected them. When someone becomes a public representative of the people, elected by the people that make up that public, the personal opinions, ideologies and beliefs of that representative cease to matter; those of the public they represent take precedence; after all, the representative has put all that away and assumed the role of ‘the public’. At all times, regardless of personally held convictions, a representative must do that which they have been elected to do: represent as the people; be there for the citizens who have elected them so that they might be free to pursue happiness, safe in the knowledge they have a voice. Find those people; those who would sacrifice self-interest for altruism; give up their own pursuit of happiness, for a time, so that others, many others, may pursue their own; those who would recognize the supreme responsibility and humility of what it means to be chosen by the people, for the people.

Check; Double Check; Triple Check; Check Once More

Good afternoon everybody. So if you are one of my more avid followers or just happened to be on at the right time this morning, you may have seen my daily blog entry already. In fact, as I always Tweet the link as well, you can probably still find it out there in cyberspace. However, the link will not lead you anywhere because this morning, I broke the most important rule of sharing information: I didn't check my facts properly. Luckily for me I have a cousin who reads my blog every day and quickly pointed out my error. Thank you Adrian.

So what was my mistake (if you didn't catch it already)? I posted a solidarity blog with an event that hasn't happened yet; yeah that's right, it hasn't happened yet. The event I'm talking about is coming on June 4th when over 13 000 Canadian websites intend on staging a digital demonstration by taking their sites down and replacing them with a black screen to protest Bill C38 (the budget bill). My mistake was thinking that that was happening today.

How did this happen you might ask? How is it that I allowed myself to make this sort of mistake? Well, I have no excuse for what happened. I don't make excuses. As I said, I broke the first rule of sharing information by not verifying the story; which I will get to. I didn't check to see from any others sources; I sought out no other confirmation. I read a headline, opened the link, read the article (which makes the blunder all the worse) and then acted on it. It wasn't until I went back to the article, after my cousin Adrian became confused about the date of the event, that I realized what had happened.

You see, I can't really show you by using the link but the headline that Yahoo! was showing me read "13,000 Canadian Websites Go Black" or something very close to that. The headline gave the reader the impression this was happening now. So I read the article and it never mentioned a date, just an explanation as to why it was happening. It wasn't until I returned afterwards and re-opened the link that I noticed the headline of the article was different than the one used in the link to reach the article. This one said the same thing and added at the end: "In June". I don't know if it was there the first time or not to be honest, but I can confirm that the headline leading to the article did not mention "June". That is the explanation (not excuse) for what happened this morning in case you are wondering. Today's first post has been reverted to draft format and saved for the actual event.

Though I could have attempted to ignore this slight blunder and had it slip by unnoticed I felt it necessary and important to share it with the bulk of people who have no idea it even happened. Why? To further re-enforce the idea that if you are going to share information with people (or learn from them), make sure you have the right, factual and truthful information. What I did this morning, however unintentional it most definitely was, was mislead my readers; I provided misinformation because I took the shortcut of taking something at face value and not seeking out anything beyond it. I am particularly meticulous to providing accurate information to anyone and everyone I share with, yet despite my discipline in this matter, I was still susceptible to such a gross mistake. I think it's crucial to recognize the importance of verifying the validity of the information you intend to share (or learn). Check it. Double check it. Triple check it. Then check it once more.

My cousin, who trusts in the information I share, questioned me. I am not insulted; I am grateful as well as overjoyed. Why? Because he knew to question something regardless of his trust or faith in me. That is the only way to approach any information, no matter how much you trust, know or believe in the source: Critically.  

Bill C38 Protest Blackout

Since I do not have my own personal website to blackout today in solidarity with the 13 000 Canadian websites who have blacked out in protest of Bill C38, I will use my blog entry to show solidarity. I apologize if you were looking forward to today's entry but sometimes one must stand up in little ways to make big change. See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Poetry #20

Good Sunday afternoon!! I hope that you had the same weather to enjoy as I did today. Today's weekly blog series post is a little late getting up and I do apologize. However, today was the MS Walk for a Cure and as you may recall, I had helped to raise money for this event for Team Gracie's Mum through the Play Date With A Purpose event. Well, today was the day of the walk and I went out to participate. Though we did the shorter of the two routes, 3.5km (the long one was 8km and we had small children with us), I more than made up for it on the walk home...I probably added another 10km to my total. Anyway, without further adieu, I present to you this weeks Sunday Afternoon Poetry:

Bottles In The Hall

Once upon a snowy summer's eve
As I was walking down the path of grieve
I found a thought within my head
Telling me to go instead
A destination still unknown
A world for me to freely roam
And the skies have turned to pink
And then my mind begins to think
As I watch the stars show signs of life
The wind whispers softly to the night
I wonder if the grass is wet
Beneath where I am to step
I fear to look below to see
A mirror laughing back at me
But lo' the morning comes at last
And creeps upon the lying grass
Nature stirs, begins to wake
As if in answer the ground now shakes
And feathered flowers ride the breeze
The serpents fall upon their knees
What a strangeness in the land
As time approaches our final stand
And when the fish will sing and play
That will be our Judgement day
The rain will rise, the snow will burn
And then the land will start to turn
And if you get the chance to see
The killing of the honey bee
Send my words unto the deer
As beavers sit to play the lyre
Together we'll meet inside that place
I hope you'll not be coming late
Where is this place of land and rhyme?
Sitting here inside my mind.

-John Thibeau 24/February/2002


Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy 100th Blog Post!

Good morning my followers, friends and family! Today is a somewhat special day for me. In case you haven't guessed it from the title of today's blog, today's posting will make the official 100th blog posting I have put up since beginning last February. Since the weekend is now on the morning's horizon, I thought I would take a small break from deep, thoughtful blog entries and take a moment to reflect upon my blog and some interesting facts about it. So let's begin.

First Blog Entry: February 13th, 2012

Top 5 Search Words (#): (115); jail cells (31); canadian penny (15); thibeau time (10); prison cells (9)

Top 5 Viewers By Country (#): Canada (2345); United States (1401); Russia (286); United Kingdom (92); Germany (71)

Top 5 Referring Sites: (764); (251); (Twitter: 142); (119); (61)

Total All Time Viewers: 4730

Most Views In A Month: May 2012 (1513 & counting)

Total Blog Entries: 100

Most Popular Blog Series (#): Sunday Afternoon Poetry (377); Addiction (127); An Ode To (92)

Post Most Commented On: Life Is Wasted Without... (8)

Top 3 Web Browsers: Firefox (33%); Internet Explorer (27%); Chrome (19%)

Top 3 Operating Systems: Windows (74%); Macintosh (15%); Android (3%)

As you can see, there have been a variety of viewers who have a variety of interests in the things I write about. What I have found to be particularly interesting is the posts which have received some of the higher acclaim are posts I never expected. It's always interesting to see how what interests me differs from what interests you. 

What I think is the most interesting statistic to follow is where people are viewing my blog from. As you can see above, Canadians have been the most common readers but that trend is changing. You cannot see it here but over the last 30 days, it has been my American viewers who have been outnumbering my Canadian viewers. Russia and the United Kingdom have also recently seen a surge in the number of people coming in from those countries. It's really remarkable to see how far ones words can travel.

So after about three months of writing blog entries almost every day, these are some of the statistics that I have watched grow over that time. Each day, I log in with a certain level of excitement and expectation to what new information might be displayed for me. It's like Christmas as a child; waiting impatiently to see what has come. Really, I know it sounds silly but it's part of the highlight of my day (I'm really not that boring) to come online and check how my blog is faring. So once again, like so many other times before it and many times to come, thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I hope you will find some joy in the knowledge that you bring joy to another. Have a great day, see you on Sunday for Afternoon Poetry and of course: Love Each Other.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Solidarité Avec Le Québec!

Depending on where you are, geographically speaking, you may or may not be aware of what is happening here in Canada. More specifically, the daily protests and demonstrations happening in Montreal, Québec. To bring you up to speed, I will give you a brief update of what has been happening there over the last few months now.

The first thing you should know is that Québec has a long history of social activism and protest. They are very organized and very determined people who will not take injustice or perceived injustice sitting down. The student population is particularly organized in this manner and as such, the students of Québec have had the lowest tuition rates in Canada for...well, for as long as I am aware. If I recall, the tuition there has been frozen for almost a decade (have to check that for accuracy). A few months ago, the government decided it was time to unfreeze the tuition and announced a 75% increase over a 5 year period.

As you can imagine, this did not go over well with the students. So, 102 days ago today, they called for a general strike and followed through on it (again, this is day 102). The government eventually responded with a new counteroffer of an 82% increase over a 7 year period. Still the students were not satisfied and the protests continued; growing larger in size and momentum. Then, last weekend, the QuĂ©bec government passed bill 78; essentially making it a crime to exercise rights covered under the Charter. It limits the manner in which, the location of, the direction of, the size of any protests or demonstrations. They have told students when and how they are able to use their freedom of association, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. It is not much of a surprise to now tell you that following the weekend the students and citizens of Montreal let their government know this would not stand. Over 200 000 took to the streets on Tuesday and protests continue daily and nightly.

Many people look at this situation and bark snide remarks about how spoiled the students there are; how much like little brats they are behaving. This is both untrue and unfair. As I mentioned, the student union in Québec has a long history of political activism. They have (and continue obviously) fought long and hard to enjoy the low cost of education they enjoy (a lesson we could learn here in Nova Scotia). They have put in the work and earned the right to their low tuition costs. As education should be free anyway, when their hard work was threatened, they did as anyone would do: stood up to defend it. If the government had been thinking, they would have worked more democratically and tried to find a solution. Instead of this, they have made things worse by outlawing Charter rights. This protest has moved beyond mere tuition costs and into something far greater.

What the Charest government did when it passed bill 78 was move this from a student issue to not just a QuĂ©bec issue, but a Canadian issue. They have made some of your fundamental rights illegal. I have seen the many exaggerated contrasting relations between Nazi Germany and many present day governments and leaders and always scoffed. Today, I scoff no more and I use the comparison with absolute sincerity and concern. They took away your rights Canada; at least in QuĂ©bec and while 200 000+ took to the streets in Montreal, the rest of Canada barely knew it was happening; some not at all. After 100+ days of protest, there were still Canadians who don't know what's going on; troubling indeed.

So I want to make it well know that I stand with the students and citizens of Montreal. I support them in every protest; in every demonstration. What they are fighting for there is much more than money or education; they are fighting for the guaranteed fundamental rights and freedoms that our veterans and soldiers fight, fought and die, died for. I am ever the more fearful of our own federal Harper RĂ©gime now. If the provincial government can erase our rights in the swift signing of a document, how long before Harper does it? Well, I mean more than he's doing now? 

Canadians, it is time to open your eyes and open your minds to what is happening all around you. I know how disturbing and scary it is; I've been watching for years but you must. Support the people of QuĂ©bec; they need to know you're behind them. They aren't in the streets because they are spoiled; they are there for each one of us; the least we can do is let them know we're grateful. 

Solidarité Avec Le Québec!
 Solidarity With QuĂ©bec!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Essay: Voice of the Future

If you've been reading with me for some time, or have found me recently and are just catching up, you'll perhaps have the memory that at the age of 26 I finally escaped my addiction and found a new life. You may also remember me mentioning that I returned to get my High School Diploma. During that time, as graduation neared (it was an Adult High School), our teacher handed out a memo about writing essays for bursaries. There were three categories to enter with each category having two questions. The idea was to pick one question and write an essay about it. When I was sifting through some older files I came across them and re-read them. It is interesting to see the differences and similarities between then and now. I've decided I want to share all three with you. So today we will start the sharing process with one of those essays.

Voice Of The Future

Topic #2: If you could make one scientific discovery in your lifetime, what would it be, and why?

If I could make only one scientific discovery it would be free energy. Free energy would benefit all of mankind in many different ways. The foremost of which would be the immediate and drastic reduction in pollution caused by the current usage of fossil fuels to provide energy. Global warming is continuing to show its effects on a worldwide level and free energy, though not eliminating it, would bring it to a slow crawl.

Free energy would also destroy the monopoly that many countries and Multi-National Corporations currently have on the world over natural gas, oil and other fossil fuels. On an economic level, countries which formerly had no advantages or possibilities of advancement would now have a more leveled playing field in which to participate on a global scale. Third world countries would now be in a position to enter the world market, creating unthought-of wealth being pumped into the world economy. Many starving and impoverished people would now be able to be housed, fed and employed at a much cheaper expense then possibly imagined.

Helping to end pollution, poverty and major wealth gaps, although admirable goals, are not the only reasons I would desire to discover free energy. I would like to make this discovery in an effort to allow us, as a people, to have more time to dedicate towards further scientific advancement. To permit more resources and more capital to be spent in the research and development of new scientific and technological discoveries which will also, in turn, help to advance the human race to help ensure our survival and our prosperity.

The discovery of free energy would become, most likely, one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history. Many people who might desire to be its discoverer might use it to amass a large fortune for themselves, whereas I am not interested in become rich. Rather than attempt to make a profit, I would rather share this discovery with the whole world; freely as the energy which would be produced. The idea of free energy has been studied and theorized for hundreds of years and to be the discoverer would be worth far more than any financial sum.

So, if I could make any scientific discovery it would be free energy. Not for the money, not for the fame, not for the recognition but for the possibility to create a world in which all humanity may have an equal footing and an equal opportunity at prosperity; to help close the gap between the extremely poor and the extremely wealthy; but most importantly, so that all of humanity can have a better foothold on creating a better, more peaceful world for tomorrow.

-John Thibeau, March 1st, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Animals Can Teach Humans

Good morning my friends. The rain is pouring down outside at a nice steady pace. It started early this morning on my walk to school and yes my friends, I danced. I danced down the street in my own little world and for a moment, briefly, I forgot I was inside of a city. Then I opened my eyes and was thrust back to the reality of my morning. I feel the same way when I go on walks in certain parts of the city. There are places you can go to return to nature, even in a city.

I enjoy the solitude of a silent walk in the nature. Being a country boy it should come as no surprise. I enjoy the trees, the rivers, the breeze, the forests, the lakes and the trails. What I enjoy most about all of this is the animals. I love observing the creatures of the world in their natural habitat; preferably without them being aware of my presence. There is something calming about seeing animals in the wild. I think there is much to be learned from the creatures that exist on this planet with us.

One of the most touching and inspiring things I have learned from observation and experience with animals is their sense of collective. Animals, mammals in particular, live in social groups. These collectives have many names depending on the type and species of animal (murder, pack, troop, flock, etc) but they all share one commonality: their need for one another. We consider ourselves to be superior beings to animals yet animals behave much more humane at times than we do. A collective of creatures takes care of itself; all of itself. This includes the weak, the young and the ill. Yes those are the ones the predators get first but so long as they're part of the collective, the collective works to ensure their survival. Wouldn't it be something if people behaved in this manner? Took care of each other...

Something else that I think that is necessary to recognize about animals is the significant contributions that they have given humanity in terms of growth in every aspect of human life. Social, technological, industrial...all of them. We, as people, are very creative and ingenious when it comes to invention but we are limited. We are limited to our own knowledge and our own experiences. If there were no birds, would we ever have thought to fly? Thank you Wright brothers. What if there were no whales to provide the idea of sonar? These are just two examples of large scale impacts on humanity that have come as a direct result of animals; but they are not the only ones.

Camouflage is another example of ideas borrowed from our animal brethren. I was once told that art imitates life; I think this is true, especially so when speaking in terms of human invention and animal characteristics. There have even been military tactics that have been devised by the observation of how ants march in large groups. Ants? Sounds crazy I know but there is so much to be learned from our environment and all that is within it; especially animals. We are, after all, animals in our own right.

There is a humbling feeling that accompanies the observation of animals in the wild, in their own natural habitat, surrounded with their own collectives undisturbed by the complications of humanity. An innocence that exists in humanity only in the form of young children before they become forced into this artificial and superficial society which we have created for them. Perhaps that is the greatest lesson that can be taught to us from the animal kingdom: humility. 

We, as human beings with advanced and developed craniums, have a large capacity for intelligence, creativity and discovery. Somewhere along the way this wonderful gift went from simplifying our existence to making it far more complex than it ever need be. Children, like animals, live outside of this complexity; unfortunately children grow out of this. Animals do not. They remain connected to their environment, to their collectives, to each other and to themselves. I understand that I am somewhat personifying animals here but there is much we do not understand about them and to discard them as lesser creatures because of our developed cerebral cortex is both naive and arrogant. Animals, insofar as I am aware, do not succumb to these forms of misleading emotion; they take nothing for granted. That's it. That's what I've been trying to find the words for this entire paragraph.

Animals take nothing for granted whilst we take the whole world for granted. If there is anything, anything at all to be learned from animals, this is it: do not take anything for granted.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Letter To The Future

With all the chaos and insanity going on around the world these days, I decided to write a letter to the future. It isn't necessarily what I believe is going to befall us as our fate however it is one of many possibilities. Before you get to the end, I have signed it as I might have signed it if I truly were on the run for my life. I had considered using my own name however, if I'm being chased by an army of soldiers, tanks and helicopters, I probably won't be using my real name; though by that time it may not matter. Anyway, enjoy a little fiction writing and please, enjoy this beautiful day; you never know when it might be your last or someone you love's last. Love Each Other.

"To the future,

I'm sorry. I did all that I could do. I fought when it was needed; I spoke up when others were silent; I defied authority and suffered for it. I took a stance for freedom and I failed. I'm sorry.

I want you to know that I wasn't alone. There were many others with me. They were my friends; my family. They are gone now. I am alone. I can still hear them shouting and screaming; begging for their lives as the world around them descended into madness. They paid dearly to try and stop the impending doom; some with their very lives. I, myself, held some of them in my hands as the last of their life energy drifted from their earth-real corpse.

I have cried many tears; shed much blood; spent countless nights alone and in fear. Every noise, every sound ripples through my tense body as I lay here, hidden from the hunters of truth. Hunters of truth because they spend every waking moment, every available resource to find me; to find us. We are the last of a hope that once lived freely and without constraint; we are the last of the dreams and desires of a people long since dead or enslaved; we are what is left of freedom; we are the last.

There was a time, though it is hard to identify time at all anymore, when there was hope; when the chance of overcoming those who would enslave us was possible; a time when we had a chance. That time is gone. No more is there talk of equality; justice was buried long ago, in a dark, quiet ceremony with only a handful of human beings in attendance for the funeral. Each new day brings me one step closer to death, a death I do not look forward to. I will welcome it as it will be on my own terms, not theirs; there is a difference between acceptance and understanding. I will understand my death when....

They are near. I can hear the sound of the helicopters in the distance. The slow rumbling of tanks and armored vehicles shakes the ground beneath where I am sitting. Even now, hidden away from those who seek my head, I can hear the faint voices of foot soldiers repeating without missing a beat, their sacred marching chants. Their voices carried on the wind with the smell of burning corpses and nuclear radiation. 

I am alone. There are none left with me. They have been killed, captured or assimilated. I do not know what tomorrow brings, or even if there will be a tomorrow. Each passing moments brings them close to where I have found refuge. I am not scared; fear is no longer an option; not for many years now. I am, instead, prepared. I am prepared to fight; I am prepared to kill; but most of all, I am prepared to die. There is nothing left for me, or any human being. They have taken it all; destroyed it all; forsaken it all.

To whomever may discover this, I am sorry; we are sorry. We tried. We were small in numbers but large in spirit; spirit was not enough this time. History is filled with inspiration of the passion of the few overcoming the strength of the many; I want to say this happened; I want to say it, but I cannot. They were too many; too strong. Those who could have changed the tide, stood idly by to choose the side of the victor; ignorant in the knowledge that there could only be one winner: peace. Anything else and they would remain the slaves that we had also begun as. Sadly, there are no more people; only slaves.

They are close; very close. As this may be the last time I shall ever have to share I want you to know and understand this, you who may come to find this letter: I may be dead; we all may be gone but what they can never do; what they can never get at; the thing that continues to push me through each day; drive me through the mud and jungle of urban and rural settings; that which has kept me alive all this time, even when all seemed lost and death was imminent, is the idea: Freedom. I am passing this onto you. They can beat you; they can jail you; they can torture you; they can lock you away; they can take all that you own; they can kill you. All of this they can do, quite well and extremely precise, but they can never take away from you your true freedom; your true right: Choice. Choose to carry the torch; it burns inside your mind where no man or machine may find it.

I'm sorry.

John Galt"

Sunday Afternoon Poetry #19

Good afternoon my friends and followers. This weeks poem is one I wrote as a Security Guard working at the Electronic Banking Call Centre for Scotiabank in Calgary. Though, on the rare occasion, true security was needed, for the most part the position was one of public relations. Working mostly with forgotten access passes and conversation with staff, we also signed for many, many, many.....many parcels. Well, being the creative fool I can be I finally had seen enough delivery trucks I wrote a poem about the one I saw most frequently: FedEx. I once considered submitting it to them to see if they would use it but I never did. Enjoy!


I look at you, every day.
Coming, going and on your way.
You've packages to send,
Occasionally an ear to lend.
Always welcome where you go,
Always fast and never slow.
What drives you to your destination?
Perhaps some fort of inspiration,
From those who would receive your goods?
I wonder, perhaps, if you could,
Deliver this to a friend in need?
What's that you say? You will indeed?
Happy trails upon your treks!
The world on time, now that's FedEx.

-John Thibeau 18/Sept/2001


UPDATE: Guess I forgot to hit the Publish button yesterday. Enjoy nonetheless.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Seeking Council

Good morning my friends. Depending on who you are will depend on how you interpreted today's blog title. It actually has a meaning that is two fold. The most important of these two meanings is the first (well at least to me it is). I am seeking your council, advice, thoughts, opinions, critiques, etc. on an idea I am currently contemplating pursuing.

For those who are currently up to date on who I am and more notably, my work as a social activist, most of my work has come as a direct result of my involvement with the Occupy movement here in Halifax. The global Occupy movement itself, as well as the local group, share many of the same concerns for the future of our society and the people of the Earth. They have many valid and important issues presented that need to be addressed. More broadly these include greater transparency, increased accountability, stronger environmental protection and care, an elimination of corruption in the political and financial realms and a move towards a more sustainable community in which all who live there are given an equal and equitable opportunity.

These are very noble, albeit grand, goals to aim for. I believe it was once said: "Aim for the Moon and even if you miss you'll still be among the stars." Or something to that effect. I want to work towards these goals; I want to put my efforts into making the world a better place; I want to do all that I can do to create a better world for us all. However, one does not simply try to take charge of the world or a nation from nowhere, unknown and without any support. It seems very unlikely that I will be able to run and become Prime Minister in 2015 and create effective change in Canada and then the world through that particular position. No, that is most improbable.

However what is within the realm of possibility, and perhaps a better place to start as well as more aligned with some of my views of community being the start of long reaching change. When I was encamped with the Occupy movement, we built a community from the ground up based off of an entirely different model than the current capitalist ideal. Though it may be argued from different perspectives, the community did thrive, grow and mature. The point is that through example, we demonstrated that there are options; options that work and through setting the example, I have seen people adopt a new perspective and passion for their communities.

This brings us to what I am seeking your council for: I am pondering the idea of seeking council; a literal seat on the city council of the Halifax Regional Municipality. This possibility has only begun developing in my head over the last 24 hours. The more I think about it, the more reasons I keep discovering on why I should proceed with working towards running in this years Municipal election. Now I am sure some of you Occupy sympathizers and members are already losing your minds; I can imagine some of the accusations that are currently being made towards me. It's your right; however I encourage you to continue reading before you or anyone passes judgement for even considering this.

I mentioned Occupy set an example with their encampment. I believe that Halifax can do the same on a provincial and national level. By incorporating and working towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable city, the people of Halifax can set the bar to an unprecedented level that can be used to show the immense possibilities that we, as human beings and citizens, possess. The amount of community spirit in Halifax is bursting at the seams. Since moving to Halifax, it has changed from being the place I lived to the place I call home. This city, despite our differences, has made me feel welcome, loved and a part of a caring community; even as big as it is, it still posses many of the charms of rural life.

One of the biggest reasons I am currently considering this option is from the feedback from the people of the city of Halifax in regards to Occupy as a whole. The biggest, most predominant complaint or critique (besides get a job dirty hippie) is that if we want to truly affect change then to get involved in the process; take part in democracy; and of course, if you really want to change things, run for office. After spending eight months with Occupy and having gone through many positive and negative experiences as a result I have  run into a wall. I have begun to question the ability of Occupy to affect political change; it is quite apparent that it is changing human perspectives and consciousness, but I am unsure it will have the far reaching political impact that is needed. The prospect of being involved, taken an active role and participating in making this city a better place for all who live here is almost euphoric.

Now obviously there is much work to be done and tons of information to research before I could make such a huge decision that will impact my future in such a way. Before beginning any of that I would have to first make the difficult decision of non-participation in the Occupy movement here in Halifax. My role there would become no more than a public endorsement of the ideas presented by the global Occupy movement. I am proud of what I was able to do with my time with Occupy, past, present and hopefully future (however little my actual role may or may not become). As it would stand, I would have to put my social activism in Occupy on hiatus and move those concerns into the public forum of municipal politics. I will, until such time as the movement strays in general ideology, continue to support and endorse the ideas of Occupy. 

What prompted me to this? The last two weeks or so of having communicating with the media over the recent developments and activities with the Occupy movement. I've read many critiques about the Occupy movement and some that were specifically directed at me. I have heard and read the many complaints regarding Occupy but one thing, and perhaps I am reading more into it than I should, I have noticed quite often (and in retrospect and hindsight) that often, even when people do not support or believe in what I say, they express their respect, admiration and understanding of me and that which I speak of. It seems as though despite disagreeing with me (in principal or in action) that I have matured enough and have developed enough to be accepted by my peers; even when they are adamantly opposed to some of my ideas.

So what do you think? I'm seeking council from you on seeking council for you (we do still live in a representative democracy). You need more about what I would do as a Councillor? Obviously this idea is extremely fresh so all I could offer is broad or general ideas until a final decision was made; I will include them below:


Transparency - Reduce the number, if not completely eliminate, all in-camera sessions; make all donations and contributions to members of council and the mayor public information; have all sessions of council available for the public in an online text forum; inform and engage the public of any major decisions that will have far reaching impacts on the city.

Accountability - Ensuring all municipal expenditures are available to the public at all times; work to hold public officials responsible for their decisions (including myself); create an independent review board chaired by public citizens as a third party watchdog that monitors and reviews all issues brought forward by the public when challenging or questioning the actions of HRM city council.

Community - Develop and help to implement new community volunteer programs to help improve our city in the following ways: increased environmental awareness, a more eco-friendly Halifax (enforced recycling), develop new ways to address some important concerns such as homelessness, mental illness and poverty, create a community feedback forum to give the citizens of Halifax the opportunity and platform to raise concerns they think the city should address.

Change - Work more closely with the many community, activist and recognized organizations and groups in the city to address specific concerns and ideas. Groups such as community health clinics, women's rights groups, Indigenous people's concerns, education concerns, Union concerns, Occupy concerns, etc, etc, etc. Working closely with these community groups will bring genuine issues and ideas to the table that directly have an impact on our city as well as the many others across the globe.

There is more but I have already exhausted more than my usual length for my blog. I'll leave it at this. I am always willing to discuss other ideas I have not mentioned or some I may have not thought of myself. I became a social activist because I have suffered at the hands of the system (as well as my own doing; I don't blame the system on my personal choices) and I want to make sure others do not have to follow in my footsteps. I have a genuine and sincere interest and investment in making the world a better place; in helping my fellow human beings; to creating a more sustainable, loving community for all. I have only one promise; only one guarantee: Honesty. I have nothing to hide, it's all here or out there (mostly here as it is easier to find when it's all together); I will be honest with you because I am honest with myself. I make mistakes and should I pursue this and get elected, be assured I will make mistakes as a Councillor too. The difference? You'll hear about my mistakes and successes directly from me and not down the road through an investigative report in The Coast.

Truth Starts Here.

Please, I really am seeking your thoughts. Leave them here. Send them to me on Facebook, publicly or privately. You can find me on Twitter and do so there as well, publicly or privately. If you'd rather keep it simple, you can also email me your thoughts:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Series "An Ode To" #4: "An Ode To Debra Wells-Hopey"

Good morning my friends! I realize I missed yesterday's monthly Ode series post and I do apologize. Life is exciting and also very busy at the moment but I will always do my best to make up for the disruption in my posts.

This month's entry is for my current instructor at Eastern College. I know what you may be thinking; that I'm looking for bonus points or some sort of favor but this is just not the case. There are real, honest reasons why I have chose her for this, as you will soon see, none of which include brown-nosing or sucking up. I am going to attempt another regular posting later to make up for the disruption from yesterday as well. As always, thank you ever so much for your continued support and encouragement. Love one another.

Dear Debra,

When I was looking for a post secondary institution to attend, I had many options. When I decided that I wanted to pursue a future in Public Relations or Radio and Television I went out and applied to several institutions. It matters not the reason but I was turned away from every school I had applied to except Eastern College. As it turns out, this has been one of the most fortunate turn of events to occur to me in some time.

When I began attending classes at Eastern, I wasn't sure exactly where I would end up when I was done or what I might be doing. To be honest, other than my knack for communicating with people, I don't think I had a proper understanding of Public Relations. You have changed that. Your experience in the field combined with your educational background have made learning and understanding the many aspects of Public Relations much more in depth and much more personal. I cannot thank you enough for all of the very important knowledge that you have shared with me and I am eager to learn more from you.

The most important thing I really want you to know is how eternally grateful I am for your support and encouragement. I know eternally grateful sounds exaggerated and perhaps somewhat over-dramatic but it is truth. When I entered your classroom, I enjoyed writing a great deal however I had not produced anything in many years. Hearing and sharing in your personal experiences as a writer initially encouraged me to begin this blog. As my support continues to grow from outside of the classroom, I feel it is necessary to share with that growing support the reason they are here with me today: You.

You have encouraged me, pushed me, challenged me and supported me through a great deal over the last several months; and not just concerning my blog. Agree or disagree, you have firmly stood by me and offered your support as well as your advice and concerns in many of the public engagements I've been involved with. I have dealt with many uncertainties over this time, many confrontations and many situations that caused me to despair. Your honest and unbiased opinion and support has done far more to get me through them at times then you may be aware.

I want to thank you, from the very bottom of my heart. You have taught me, and continue to teach me, more than I ever expected to know about Public Relations. More importantly, you have provided me with more than an institutional education could; you have provided me with a renewed confidence in myself and in my abilities. You have reminded me of the true potential that exists within the confines of my mind; a memory  that has been, for too long, forgotten and hidden away. You have given me back confidence in myself and renewed my personal self-confidence.

With the school year at its mid-way point, I am, more than ever, excited at the prospect of gaining a better insight and learning of the Public Relations world. What you have given, and continue to give, is above and beyond what an instructor is required. You are not an instructor, you are a teacher in every sense of the word. Anyone can instruct and command; it takes a unique and special human being to teach.

When thinking about my current social activities, I am unsure where the future will bring; what roads I will have opportunity to travel or what doors will closed to me as a result. Regardless of that uncertainty I am confident that I have gained, and will gain, enough knowledge to find some form of success in this, my current path. Success in my career choice, however, is a long second to the success of re-discovering myself, my abilities and my confidence. That is something that cannot be taught in a classroom; it is not something that can be instructed; it has to come from wisdom and experience. You are much more than any title ever will give you credit for.

So thank you Debra Wells-Hopey. Whether you are aware or not; whether it matters or not; you have made a difference, a positive and critical difference, in the life of someone; not just the life of a student but the life of a human being. 

Sincerely and with the greatest of respect, humility and thanks,


Monday, May 14, 2012

Seal Your Fate

Good day my friends, followers and families. This morning I had intended on writing about the new developments happening in Greece. Well not really new, but things are becoming really intense and on the verge of spilling over into a full blown economic collapse. As I said, I intended on it but then I remembered a promise I made to you as well as to myself: try to move away from all the negative political stuff for a few posts this week. So, let's do that.

I want to share an experience that happened yesterday while I was out walking around Point Pleasant Park here in Halifax. Point Pleasant is one of the bigger parks here and it is now my favorite park to walk around in and get lost in. There are lots of woods, a coastline to walk and of course a large number of pathways (both leash and offleash sections for dog owners). There is so much nature going on inside this small plot of Paradise that it is rather easy to sometimes forget one is inside and surrounded by a city of over 600 000 people. It is also big enough to find solitude; even with all the people who also come here to find some alone time.

What I enjoy most about my time spent at Point Pleasant is the nature. The trees, the water, the rocks and most of all, the animals. To date I've seen a large number of squirrels, several species of birds and a huge variety of canines. Yesterday, I saw a new animal I had previously never seen: a seal. I was walking towards a small beach when I noticed that there was a crowd on the wooden walkway above the beach staring at something. As I got closer and closer I suddenly realized what they were staring at: what appeared to be a beached and dead seal.

I can hear your saddened releases already. I felt the same way. Before I explain what happened next, I will explain what had apparently happened up until this point. About 30 minutes before we arrived, a passerby had discovered the seal on the beach and alerted security. Security telephoned the proper authorities to (Department of Lands & Forests?) come down and tend to the carcass (they never arrived; I was there for another 10-15 minutes after the seal had disappeared). After that, the crowd began to gather. People standing above pointing fingers, cameras and letting out cries and shrieks of sadness for the poor creature. Then, something unexpected occurred when I arrived.

Apparently, not one single person had gone to check the seal. As I was approaching I swore I saw it breathing, but only vaguely. I stopped and watched; the seal was definitely breathing but struggling with this simple task. As I shared this news with the crowd, instinct took over; for a minute. This seal, obviously in need of medical attention, had been sitting in the hot sun on the beach for over 30 minutes at the least without any water. Instinct and knowledge told me to get water to pour over the seal while waiting for the authorities. As I moved forward, the security guard warned me not to approach the animal. I was taken aback, paused and then continued to move. He threatened me again.

Ordinarily I would have told him what for and just done what needed to be done. The true disappointment yesterday, was my action; rather my inaction. Recently, my battle with the legal system in regards to my involvement with Occupy came to a conclusion; however the intimidation and fear factor I thought I had managed to ignore apparently was much more present than I had imagined. I froze. A million thoughts entered in and out of my mind; actions, consequences, repercussions, morality, ethics. So many possibilities; so many outcomes. I am mortified and disgusted in myself to report I did nothing. The fear of repercussions outweighed my sense of right; I defaulted on my humanity and I am still unsure how to deal with this horrible shortcoming and failure internally. I am ashamed.

Just after my arrival/confrontation

I am somewhat content to report that the seal, after another 30 minutes of stop and go crawling eventually made it the 10 feet to the shore and disappeared into the water. However, I say somewhat because, though I am no trained professional, it was apparent this animal needed care. My best guess is garbage it ate; there was a plastic grocery bag, filled with more plastic, empty juice containers and food. The bag was torn open and items hanging out (I picked it up and put it where it should have been: the garbage can). If I had seen another Human Being behaving in the manner of this animal, I would have called 911.

The seal escaping/disappearing

I cannot change what I did, or didn't do. I am battling myself almost 24 hours later and will most likely continue to do so for the next little while. I was in no way responsible for what came to be, but I did have a responsibility to myself; and I failed myself. You might be thinking all's well that ends well, and I hope, truly hope that this animal is not suffering in the wild right now. I hold myself very critically accountable for my actions and words. As a social activist, I make many demands, requests, suggestions that I think people should adhere to and at all times lead by example. I would never ask of anyone that which I am unwilling to first do myself. Today, I ask you to not follow my lead.

Do what you know to be right; regardless of the consequence. Never let anyone stand in the way of following your heart and mind. I did. I let fear rule my emotions; I let intimidation rule my rationality. Hindsight is always 20/20 and in this case, even more so for me. I sit here with a burden on my shoulders, a burden I choose to carry. You may think it silly; you make think it mundane; you may even find it in the neighborhood of absurdity but as I have said with evil (no matter what the degree, it is still evil), the same holds true for good. I could should have done something. I had the opportunity; I had the power; I failed myself yesterday.

One must always do what is right; even if it requires suffering (in fact I have found oftentimes that doing the right thing brings the most amount of suffering; not because what is done isn't right, but because it is usually not in agreement with the status quo or the norm). I welcome the suffering of incarceration over the self-inflicted suffering of guilt. Because of that recognition, I will never, ever do what I did standing on that beach yesterday again: Nothing.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Poetry #18

Good afternoon my friends! It is such a gorgeous day out where I am today. I was awake before six in the morning and went on a nice two hour long walk along the harbor. It's just really amazing to be out and about that early in the city before the hustle and bustle starts; almost calming. Today I am aiming for two poetic entries for you. This first one was given to me by one of my dearest friends, Sara Davis. I'm not quite sure if it was something she copied for me or wrote herself but either way, I found it among my things and I remember her giving it to me. I miss the time we would spend together talking. Truly a connection unlike others I have had. Thanks for the poem and thanks for your friendship.

Life Is...

Life is a fast are you running?
Life is a tune...what song are you humming?
Life is a hard will you fight?
Life is in darkness...where is the light?
Life is a why are you crying?
Life is the don't spend it lying.
Life is a dream...what part is real?
Life is a do you feel?
Life is a high can you score?
Life is a gift...but what is it for?

-Sara Dee


And to answer your question on the note Sara ("I made a pretty for you. Hope you enjoy it."): I did. I miss our conversations.

And so are you...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Occupy Has NOT Left The Building...

Good day my friends, followers and family! I apologize for the tardiness of today's blog, but as I have explained, my resurgence in the Occupy movement is quite time consuming. However, I am making some real progress on my time management skills and though it is late, it is here. Today I am going to be asking you to go above and beyond the responsibility of critical reader; I need you to read twice. You do not have to, however the blog entry will make much more sense if you do. I encourage you to read this publication by Margaret Wente of the Globe & Mail called "The Occupiers Leave the Building"

Now that you are done getting the necessary background information, let us move forward with today's post. I was not directly approached to write this reply by those who called out for it, the 'Campaign to build 'One Big Campaign'', however a close friend who received the feed passed it along to me. I have done the best I think I could to clarify and address the issues presented by her which are the same as many I have heard in many a public forum. Comments are especially welcome. As always, I continue to be humbled by the number of you who have found something valuable in my words. Thank you and as always, Love Each Other.

In response to...

May Day: In many places in North America the media is labeling the May Day effort as a failure much like you have. Unfortunately this could not be further from the truth—especially in Halifax where I participated in one such demonstration. Did we have thousands of people? 150; maybe. Did we make the National news? Nope. Did any significant change come as a result of our demonstration? Not even a smidgen. I can understand how one might view this as a failure. Now permit me to clarify the easily made error in perception.

May Day has been perhaps one of the most successful events Occupy has had here in Nova Scotia, and not because of numbers. Its success stems as a result of the participants of that event. Yes there were many Union workers there as it was, after all, International Worker’s Day. However, what you and those like you who have not participated in the Occupy movement missed was who those other faces were that came down to join us. I don’t know them. Over 50 people with whom I had never had previous contact with attended and participated in the after event, which was strictly Occupy.  They were strangers to the Occupy movement ... no, not strangers, new friends.

I can completely understand, based on the measurements we have used in the past for judging the success or failure of such a protest how it could be seen as a failure. This is just not the case. Why did North Americans not come out en masse as our brethren in Europe? I have no concrete answers, only speculation: the same as any individual has whether they are a politician, a professor, a white collar worker (though that may be a good place to start asking) and yes, believe it or not, even journalists. My speculation (because I am responding to yours already) is that we here in the land of the privileged have absolutely no concept of suffering. We have no clue on what it means to be truly oppressed (these are general statements, as there are many sub-groups within our society that have). We tolerate the injustice and the oppression out of guilt. Knowing how little the world has compared to us, it is easy for the average citizen to say to themselves, ‘Well, I just lost the right to wear a mask in public but I guess that’s OK. At least I still have my iPod.’ That is the generalization of my speculation and as there is much more to address, I will press forward.

            There were other nasty moments. In San Francisco, black-clad activists trashed the Mission District, smashing windows with crowbars, spattering storefronts with eggs and paint, and spray-painting anarchy symbols on parked cars. Their targets were not greedy banks and big corporations, but small shops, restaurants and a housing project. “This just seems like they’re frustrated with their impotency at this point,” Jeremy Tooker, owner of Fourbarrel Coffee, told the San Francisco Chronicle. Some protesters invaded a building belonging to the Roman Catholic Church and refused to leave. “We are not the 1 per cent. I don’t get it,” said a spokesman for the archdiocese. “I think it’s an indication of how confused the Occupy movement has become in terms of its goals and its focus.”

            Black-clad activists? Right from the start, for anyone who has participated in Occupy, this is not the typical description I have come to hear associated with it from the press. I’ve grown accustomed to dirty, pot smoking, hippie; spoiled brat; lazy bums; and a number of other vulgarities (direct or implied) but have yet to see any Occupier who fits this description. The first tell that people are *using* Occupy as a means to further their own agendas and not that of the people is violence. Occupiers are not anarchists either. There are Occupiers who carry anarchist ideologies but when they enter the Occupy environment, they are Occupiers first and Anarchists second. There is a difference.

The media failing to make the distinction is a big part of the problem with the *image* of Occupy and only furthers confusion over its motives. The lack of credible and concrete association to the Occupy movement or the fact that the Occupy movement itself has separated itself from this type of behavior is a clear sign that these actions are as big a concern to Occupy as they are to the public and the government. We are, after all, part of the same community. It is  fortunate that we do not have any Black Bloc or any such extremists here in Halifax. Perhaps if we did I would have some experience to share with you. As it is, I do not.

You will be elated to hear that Occupy addressed that flaw; and not just my own local movement. I recall seeing a few others with similar statements. The statement? Well, in not so many words—that Occupy does not condone, nor approve of the use of drugs or alcohol and, in the interest in the wide variety of beliefs and ideologies of all those participating, does not tolerate their usage on site. Violence and sexual harassment is strictly prohibited and when the situation is not able to be resolved or endangers the safety of those inside the encampment, the proper authorities will be contacted and asked to intervene.

This policy serves two purposes: to show respect to the public we were trying to reach, and to respect the inclusiveness of the Occupy movement. This policy was proposed and passed through our General Assembly. On top of this, posted at every entrance to the encampment (we were fenced in), we also organized our own security force. Armed with radios and kindness, our Safety and Security team—on many occasions—helped to de-escalate many situations that could have turned out very differently. Though mostly composed of experienced and trained security personnel, we also shared our knowledge and experience to others who quickly became strong and effective communicators able to bridge misunderstandings and miscommunications.

The five “scruffy” (not sure what their facial hair has to do with anything) individuals arrested were very specific and individual cases. Here you supposedly have five individuals (the CNN report actually used the word “alleged” about a dozen times) who have attended Occupy activities as well as other social movement group activities such as the Anarchist’s meeting where the undercover FBI agent first encountered these men (despite the FBI claiming they do not infiltrate activist groups). An Anarchist’s group meeting where they left because the Anarchists felt they were too aggressive and too quick to resort to violence. If an Anarchist group finds them too extreme, how exactly do you think that the Occupy movement would perceive them? These individuals did not spawn from the Occupy movement; their ideologies existed prior to the spawning of the Occupy movement. This is a great example of a journalist or media outlet misleading the public, planting seeds of misinformation and creating opinion through a non-existent connection.

Though I do not disagree that Occupy has definitely lost a significant amount of public support, I do not believe it was ever seeking sympathy. Occupy is about empowerment and not about being a victim. We have all been the victim. Occupy provides a new approach to injustice: do not sit and wait for justice, go out and make it happen (through non-violence and peaceful means). This does not always mean a demonstration; it can be as simple as voting, signing a petition or doing in your community what your governments won’t. It teaches the idea that individuals, regardless of belief, can come together as human beings in a collective and help to create a sustainable and self-reliant community without the necessity of the bureaucracy of waiting for politicians to act.

Occupy was nothing more than a child when it began. Many of those involved were virgin to the activist lifestyle; absolute strangers to advocacy and protest. Like any child who ventures into a new experience in life, they lacked knowledge and education.  That in no ways affects the credibility of the message(s) they have been attempting to share; and many are they. However, like all children who make mistakes or go through new experiences, Occupy has learned; it has grown; and it will continue to do so. This is not your traditional social activist movement; if it was we’d only be talking about it once a year on National Occupy Day like we do so many others; maybe an International Occupy Week. You say the media’s infatuation has cooled and yet, here we are.

The message is confusing only if you’re looking for a message that defines every ideology and belief within this all inclusive social movement; you are going to be waiting a long, long time. Are you prepared to decide on such a statement to represent an entire collective of this magnitude? No one person amongst the Occupy groups has that authority; no one occupation carries that power. If it is a 100% clear cut message you seek to generalize this movement, it will not happen. The whole purpose is not be generalized and pigeon-holed into a niche which would make it much easier for the media and the powers that be to put us away in a nice little category and push us out of the public eye. That you continue to be confused means you will continue to seek understanding; the ever present 'why'. You can only find what you seek from individuals and small sub-groups within the movement who share particularly specific ideas. The difference between Occupy and all movements beforehand is that our ‘audience or demographic’ (not the words I would use but words that express the idea that most readers will understand) is all inclusive. We’re not after just anyone; we want to include everyone.

As for regaining public *support* (not sympathy), this has already begun. With the coming of spring and the closure to a forceful, violent and shocking eviction & arrest also comes a rejuvenation; a new energy; a new strength; a new evolution within Occupy. Occupy is not filled with the typical stigma of the personalities and characters that have been portrayed—and those characters they do have are much more than merely their outward image. They possess education; university degrees (in some cases PhD’s and Masters); intelligent and caring individuals who chose a more natural and environmentally oriented lifestyle. Should they be branded so despicably when their very creed is to take care of all living things? The media glorifies those who would send our brethren to die for oil, land, money and power but put down and vilify those who would help to create a sustainable, environmentally conscious society. There seems to be flawed logic in there. And people question the motives of the Occupy movement: What about the motives of our leaders? How about the motives of corporations and financial institutions? And what about the motives of media outlets who refuse to offer and report unbiased accounts of what is really happening, not just with Occupy, but at all times?

I am pleased to see that you publicly acknowledge that there are failures among the capitalist system. I agree with you whole-hardheartedly on this subject. I also think that there are as many failures, or more in some cases, in other forms of economies—including socialist and communistic economies. That you interpret Occupy to be adamantly opposed to capitalism is easy to understand with signs that demand the deconstruction of the capitalist system. Personally, I don’t believe in that but I am aware enough to recognize the inherent and apparent flaws in the system and because of that I can sympathetically understand their point of view and see some of my own in there. Because I am able, like so many of all who are participating in Occupy, to identify with people, I can respect them and get along with them quite swimmingly despite our differences in ideologies or beliefs.

Giant squid? I have nothing for you there. Publicity stunt? I wasn’t present and as this is the first time I have heard of it I have nothing to offer as an explanation or opinion.  Although it sounds like it was a lot of fun while at the same time drawing attention to Occupy. PR gimmick perhaps? Regardless, it did at least that. Though it won’t create the world of tomorrow as I envision it, it does carry one essential necessity: happiness; people had fun, people laughed, people experienced joy. Happiness is essential and spreads as quickly as anger; if not faster. A little break in taking oneself too seriously is the best way to take a step back and have a moment to reflect on all that lies before you; and a glimpse perhaps, into what is to come.

I think you perhaps expressed, as best as I can, the take on the Social Scientists. Honestly, can you blame them? The Occupy movement is the sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity to study and observe first hand a drastic and sudden change in human consciousness and thought process. There are very few times when any person can sit back and say: “Wow! I am living in a truly historical and unprecedented time that will change the way the world works for the rest of time.” Very rarely.

And though I am aware of tragedies that create this form of sentiment I do not discount the impact they have on society—the sheer magnitude of people from the vast majority of all labels, groups & associations the world has ever seen are coming together. They are joining forces; slowly but it is happening. They are finding bonds in those they used to fight because of a failed understanding and respect of ideologies. Journalists have a prize for when moments like this that the social scientists find themselves in, it’s called a Pulitzer.

It will take much, much more for the Occupy movement to ‘melt away’ then what has happened. It really is too big to just disappear (and I’ve tried to avoid all the slogans and jargon associated with Occupy and keep it straightforward & easy to understand). If ever the Occupy movement disappears from the public eye and mainstream media you can be assured they, like  early Christian cults and others like it, are not gone—just in hiding for fear of persecution.
Thankfully, the powers that be have not created the police state necessary for that type of disappearance; however both here in Canada as well as in the United States of America it is a reality that is not far off.

I have done my best to address the points, issues, concerns and opinions raised in your  article, Margaret. It is no easy task to communicate thoughts, emotions and ideologies from such a wide variety of individuals—and individual collectives—among the Occupy movement. I have written what I feel is a response that should help to illuminate some of the mystery of darkness you and others may have in regards to the Occupy movement. I hope that it is enough to at least convince you that there is some focus within the chaos, because there is.

This is sufficient enough to lead you down to your local Occupy movement—but remember when you get down there that there will be those who you will disagree with but that is perfectly acceptable. I am certain that if you approach the situation with an open mind you will find at the very bare minimum, one individual, one individual collective, or one individual ideology, idea, or belief, that you can personally relate to. What have you go to lose? Skip the coffee shop sit-down-break and take it to go. We’re waiting with open arms and open hearts. We don’t have all the answers because we’re still not whole yet. We’re missing you.